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global expanded ; expanded = {}
def expand_recipe(recipe, recipes, main = False):
global expanded
ok = False
part = 1 # Одна часть
while not ok:
ok = True
min_vol = 0 # Объём мин. рецепта (вход)
# Перебираем элементы
for el in recipe:
# Если составное
if el in recipes:
# Одна часть должна делиться без остатка!
if part % recipes[el].out != 0:
ok = False
part += 1
expanded = {}
min_vol += expand_recipe(recipes[el].comps, recipes)
if el in expanded:
expanded[el] += recipe[el]*part
expanded[el] = recipe[el]*part
min_vol += recipe[el]*part
if main:
return expanded, min_vol, part
return min_vol
def calc(element, amount, recipes):
# Получаем характеристику элемента
recipe, out = recipes[element].comps, recipes[element].out
# Расчитываем минимальный рецепт
expanded, vol, part = expand_recipe(recipe, recipes, True)
# Домнажаем на сколько нужно
need = amount//vol
for i in expanded:
expanded[i] = expanded[i]*need
out = part*out*need
return expanded, out
from parse import *
#print( load_recipes() )
print( calc('Leporazine', 100, load_recipes()) )