import yaml import json import requests from fluent.syntax import parse, ast yaml.SafeLoader.add_multi_constructor("", lambda loader, tag_suffix, node: None) # медицинские реагентов MEDICINE_R = "" MEDICINE = "" MEDICINE_LOCALISATION = "" NARCOTICS_R = "" CHEMICALS_R = "" CHEMICALS = "" CHEMICALS_LOCALISATION= "" # элементы раздатчика химикатов ELEMENTS_URL = "" ELEMENTS_LOCALISATION_URL = "" # токсины TOXINS_R = "" TOXINS_LOCALISATION_URL = "" # локализация наркотиков/наркотических препаратов NARCOTICS_LOCALISATION_URL = "" # газы GASES_URL = "" GASES_LOCALISATION_URL = "" # биология BIOLOGY_URL = "" BIOLOGY_LOCALISATION_URL = "" # ботаника BOTANY_R = "" BOTANY = "" BOTANY_LOCALISATION_URL = "" # все съедобное и питьевое FOOD_R = "" FOOD_R_EX = "" INGREDIENTS = "" DRINKS_R = "" ALCOHOL_R = "" DRINKS = "" SODA_R = "" JUICES_R = "" PYROTECHNIC_R = "" INGREDIENTS_LOCALISATION_URL = "" ALCOHOL_LOCALISATION_URL = "" CONDIMENTS_LOCALISATION_URL = "" DRINKS_LOCALISATION_URL = "" SODA_LOCALISATION = "" JUICES_LOCALISATION = "" FOOD_LOCALISATION_URL = "" PYROTECHNIC_LOCALISATION = "" class Reagent: def __init__(self, init_data: dict): self.__name: str = init_data.get("name") # self.__desc: str = init_data.get("desc") self.__recipe: dict = init_data.get("reactants") self.__product = init_data.get("products") self.__category = init_data.get("category") # raw значения которые обработаны self.__heat: bool = init_data.get("heat") @property def name(self): return localise(self.__name).capitalize() # @property # def description(self): # return localise(self.__desc) @property def recipe(self): result = [] # Добавляем количество в итоге react_res = self.__product for i in react_res: if i.lower() == self.__name.replace('reagent-name-','',1).replace('-',''): result.append(react_res[i]) # Добавляем категорию print(self.__category) result.append(self.__category) # Добавляем нужен ли нагрев result.append(self.__heat) if not self.__recipe: return None for item in self.__recipe: # "Бикаридин": [ 2, ["Углерод", 1], ["Инапровалин", 1] ] result.append([localise(item).capitalize(), self.__recipe[item]['amount']]) #print(result) return result from db import * def load_localisation(): data = {"elements": {}, "placeholders": {}} elements_urls = [ELEMENTS_URL, MEDICINE_R, TOXINS_R, GASES_URL, FOOD_R, FOOD_R_EX, DRINKS_R, BIOLOGY_URL, BOTANY_R, ALCOHOL_R, CHEMICALS_R, INGREDIENTS, NARCOTICS_R, SODA_R, PYROTECHNIC_R, JUICES_R] for url in elements_urls: response = yaml.load(requests.get(url).content.decode("utf-8"), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) for i in response: try: data["elements"][i["id"]] = {"name": i["name"], "desc": i["desc"]} except: print("No name: ", i) localisation_urls = [MEDICINE_LOCALISATION, ELEMENTS_LOCALISATION_URL, TOXINS_LOCALISATION_URL, GASES_LOCALISATION_URL, DRINKS_LOCALISATION_URL, FOOD_LOCALISATION_URL, CONDIMENTS_LOCALISATION_URL, BIOLOGY_LOCALISATION_URL, NARCOTICS_LOCALISATION_URL, BOTANY_LOCALISATION_URL, ALCOHOL_LOCALISATION_URL, CHEMICALS_LOCALISATION, INGREDIENTS_LOCALISATION_URL, JUICES_LOCALISATION, SODA_LOCALISATION, PYROTECHNIC_LOCALISATION] for url in localisation_urls: response = requests.get(url).content.decode("utf-8") for entry in parse(response).body: if isinstance(entry, ast.Message): data["placeholders"][] = entry.value.elements[0].value write_db(data, 'locale.json') # with open("locale.json", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as localisation_file: # json.dump(data, localisation_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) def localise(key: str) -> str: with open("locale.json", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.load(file) if "-" in key: # если это placeholder return data["placeholders"].get(key, f"[p] {key}") elif key in data["elements"]: return localise(data["elements"][key]["name"]) else: print('No localisation: ', key) return f"[!] {key}" # Показатель прогресса from tqdm import tqdm # Загрузить локализацию если нету файла import os if not os.path.exists('locale.json'): load_localisation() content = {} def yml_load(url): return yaml.load(requests.get(url).content.decode("utf-8"), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) def load_reagents(url,name): for item in tqdm(yml_load(url), desc=name+'_reagents'): try: content[item["id"]] = {"name": item["name"], "desc": item["desc"]} except: print("No name: ", item) def load_recipes(url,name): global content for item in tqdm(yml_load(url), desc=name+'_recipes'): # print(item["id"]) if item["id"] not in content: continue if "minTemp" in item: content[item["id"]]["heat"] = True else: content[item["id"]]["heat"] = False # if "minTemp" in item: # print(item["minTemp"]) content[item["id"]]["reactants"] = { element: {"amount": item["reactants"][element]["amount"], "reagent": element in content} for element in item["reactants"]} content[item["id"]]["products"] = item["products"] content[item["id"]]["category"] = name load_reagents(BOTANY_R, 'botany') load_reagents(TOXINS_R, 'toxins') load_reagents(MEDICINE_R, 'medicine') load_reagents(NARCOTICS_R, 'narcotics') # Не загружается? load_reagents(CHEMICALS_R, 'chemicals') load_reagents(FOOD_R, 'food') load_reagents(FOOD_R_EX, 'food_ex') load_reagents(INGREDIENTS, 'ingredients') load_reagents(DRINKS_R, 'drinks') load_reagents(ALCOHOL_R, 'alcohol') load_reagents(SODA_R, 'soda') load_reagents(PYROTECHNIC_R, 'pyrotechnic') load_reagents(JUICES_R, 'juices') load_recipes(MEDICINE, 'medicine') load_recipes(CHEMICALS, 'chemicals') load_recipes(BOTANY, 'botany') load_recipes(DRINKS, 'drinks') # TODO: Включать ли токсины без крафта? (некоторые имеют крафт) reagents = [Reagent(init_data=content[item]) for item in content if "reactants" in content[item]] db = { x.recipe for x in reagents} from db import * write_db(db)