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import tkinter as tk
from time import sleep
def start_drag(event):
global current_coords
global dragged_item
dragged_item = label
current_coords = label.winfo_pointerx(), label.winfo_pointery()
def stop_drag(event):
dragged_item = None
def drag(event):
global current_coords
xc, yc = label.winfo_pointerx(), label.winfo_pointery()
dx, dy = xc - current_coords[0], yc - current_coords[1]
current_coords = xc, yc + dx, y=label.winfo_y() + dy)
def nn(root,im):
global label
image = tk.PhotoImage(file=im) # Use self.image
label = tk.Label(root, image=image)
label.image = image # Keep a reference to the image
dragged_item = None
current_coords = 0, 0
label.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', start_drag)
label.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', stop_drag)
label.bind('<B1-Motion>', drag)
# globals().update(locals())
while True:
print("Image cords: ", label.winfo_x(), 720 - label.winfo_y() - image.height())
#x1, y1 = image.coords(image)
# print(f'Image cords: {}')