import telebot import os import json from telebot import types,util global db ####### CREATE DB IF NOT EXIST if not os.path.exists('db.json'): db = {'token': 'None'} js = json.dumps(db, indent=2) with open('db.json', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(js) print('Input token in "None" (db.json)') exit() ############WORK WITH DBs########## def read_db(): global db with open('db.json', 'r') as openfile: db = json.load(openfile) def write_db(): global db js = json.dumps(db, indent=2) with open('db.json', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(js) #############TOKEN INIT##### read_db() bot = telebot.TeleBot(db['token']) ########## ALANYS WORD ##### from re import search, match, sub, compile def is_bad(word, bad, excepts): #Replace spec.symbols # Excepts if word in excepts: return False # Agressive mode, causes false positives #res = search(bad, word) res = match(bad, word) if res is not None: return True else: return False ### TRANSLIT an OTHER ###### def rep(word): rep = [['e','е'], ['a','а'], ['i','и'], ['t','т'], ['y','у'], ['u','у'], ['o','о'], ['d','д'], ['x','х'], ['t','т'], ['p','п'], ['r','р'], ['h','х'], ['b','б'], ['n','н'], ['🇽','х'], ['🇾','у'], ['🇹','т'], ['🇪','е'], ['❌','х'], ['✖','х'], ['❎','х'] ] for i in rep: word = word.replace(i[0], i[1]) print(word) return word ####### CATCH BAD WORDS #### def catch(message): bad_list = ['х.+й', 'xуи', 'xyи', 'хyи', 'xyй', 'xуй', 'ху.', '.+хуё', 'xyu', 'xui', 'хyй', 'поху', '.уй', 'ах.ен', 'а.уе', 'бл.+ть', 'бля', 'бл.+т', 'бл+.дь', 'трах', 'еб.+ть', 'ебу', 'ебал', '..ебен', 'ебан', 'ёбан', 'ебть', 'eby', '..ебись', 'уеб', 'уёб', 'ебей', 'ебу', 'ебл', 'еба', 'еб.+утые', 'е.+б.+утые', 'ебан', 'еб.+н', 'ебн', 'ёбн', 'пр..ба', '.б.л', 'у.б', '.блан', 'п.+зда', 'пиз.+ец', 'пизд', 'пизец', 'пздец', 'п.+здец', 'пизд', 'пид.+р', 'пидр', 'д.лб.+б', 'f.+ck', 's.+ck', 'fck', 'sck'] excepts = ['хороший'] words = message.text.split() bad_found = False for check in words: # Mat -> Мат check = rep(check) # -М#ат$ => Мат regex = compile('[^a-zA-Zа-яА-ЯЁё]') check = regex.sub('', check) if bad_found: break for bad in bad_list: if is_bad(check.lower(), bad, excepts) == True: #print(bad) bad_found = True break if not bad_found: for check in words: check = rep(check) regex = compile('[^a-zA-Zа-яА-ЯЁё]') check = regex.sub('.', check) if bad_found: break for bad in bad_list: if is_bad(check.lower(), bad, excepts) == True: #print(bad) bad_found = True break if bad_found: bot.delete_message(, bot.send_message(, f'Пользователь {telebot.util.user_link(message.from_user)} использовал непечатное выражение.', parse_mode='HTML') @bot.message_handler() def catch_all_messages(message): catch(message) @bot.edited_message_handler() def catch_edited_messages(message): catch(message) ''' while True: try: bot.polling() except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except: pass ''' bot.polling() #'''