from os import listdir,system as ss from time import sleep #Theards import threading #Time&Date from datetime import date import time #Config import config #Check bitrate and convert audio from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.utils import mediainfo #Import config tw = int(config.time) prefix = config.prefix rad = dev = bool( ### if dev == False: wait = tw*60 else: wait = tw #Check bitrate and upload def tg(i,tim,group): bit = int(mediainfo(i)['bit_rate'])/1000 if bit > 128: sound = AudioSegment.from_file(i) sound.export("tt.mp3", format="mp3", bitrate="128k") ss("mv tt.mp3 "+i) ss("telegram-upload "+i+" --to "+group+" --caption "+tim) ss("mkdir "+prefix+tim) ss("mv "+i+" "+prefix+tim+"/") #Upload in telegram def upload(): today = files = listdir() #Set date&time tim = today.strftime("%d.%m.%Y_"+time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime())) for i in files: if rad.get(i) == None: pass else: print("SUCCESS") tg(i,tim,rad[i][1]) #Download function def rad_down(ch): ss("wget "+ch) while True: #Run download for i in rad: th = threading.Thread(target=rad_down, args=(rad[i][0],)) th.start() #Wait sleep(wait) #Stop download ss("killall wget") #Upload upload() if dev == True: break