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# AdvancedBan v2 - Coded by Leoko
# For each setting, there is a small description.
# Please read each description carefully before changing anything.
# For more information visit:
# Do you want your own Plugin or Website? Check out our Dev-Page:
# If set to false all bans will be saved locally in a HSQLDB-Database
UseMySQL: false
IP: localhost
DB-Name: database-name
Username: admin
Password: superSecret
Port: 3306
Properties: 'verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8'
# Set to false if you want to have only short messages in the console
# On startup and on the shutdown.
DetailedEnableMessage: true
DetailedDisableMessage: true
# Whether to disallow connections to the server when there is an error
# with the database. (e.g.: if your MySQL Server goes down)
LockdownOnError: true
# This will be the default reason to be displayed if none is given
DefaultReason: "none"
# Change this if your server has a different time that your users.
# e.g.: ServerTime: 16:43 | Your Time: 13:43 | TimeDiff has to be set to -3
# You can check the server time with /systemPrefs
TimeDiff: 0
# This commands will be disabled for muted players
# A player wouldn't be able to bypass with eg "/minecraft:me"
- 'me'
- 'say'
- 'action'
- 'eaction'
- 'describe'
- 'edescribe'
- 'eme'
- 'w'
- 'm'
- 'pm'
- 'whisper'
- 'ewhisper'
- 'emsg'
- 'msg'
- 'etell'
- 'tell'
- 'er'
- 'r'
- 'reply'
- 'ereply'
- 'ac'
- 'eac'
- 'amsg'
- 'eamsg'
- 'ehelpop'
- 'p msg'
# These players will not be able to get punished in any way
# this also works if the player is offline
# Use Vault to make exempt permissions also work for offline players
- 'Leoko'
- 'md5'
- 'dutchy1001'
- 'ItzSomebody'
# The date-format which will be used for the %DATE% variable
DateFormat: "dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm"
# This is useful for bungeecord servers or server with permission systems which do not support *-Perms
# So if you enable this you can use ab.all instead of ab.* or ab.ban.all instead of ab.ban.*
# This does not work with negative permissions! e.g. -ab.all would not block all commands for that user.
EnableAllPermissionNodes: false
# If you use external REST-APIs they will have to respond in JSON
# The given APIs will only be used for NAME -> UUID
# For UUID -> NAME will either use the official MojangAPI or the InternFetcher
# To check if you can use the intern fetcher do /systemPerfs and compare your uuid
# to the one you can see online on
# if they are similar we recommend using the InternFetcher
# If dynamic it set to true it will override the 'enabled' and 'intern' settings
# and automatically detect the best possible uuid fetcher settings for your server.
# Our recommendation: don't set dynamic to false if you don't have any problems.
Dynamic: true
Enabled: true
Intern: false
URL: ""
Key: "id"
URL: ""
Key: "uuid"
# These are the commands that will be performed on warns
# If you skip a number the command from before will be performed
# You can also use non-AdvancedBan-Commands like 'broadcast' or 'clear %PLAYER%
# Variables: %PLAYER%, %REASON%, %COUNT%
3: "kick %PLAYER% &c&oYou have received your 3rd warning!"
4: "tempban %PLAYER% 30m &c&oYou have received your 4th warning!"
5: "tempban %PLAYER% 5h &c&oYou have received your 5th warning!"
6: "tempban %PLAYER% 7d &c&oYou have received your 6th warning!"
7: "tempban %PLAYER% 1mo &c&oYou have received your %COUNT%th warning!"
10: "ban %PLAYER% &c&oYou have received your 10th warning!"
# Here you can create permission-nodes for max-punishment-duration.
# The permission "ab.tempban.dur.1" would allow the player to ban max. for 600sec = 10min
# The permission "ab.tempwarn.dur.2" would allow the player to warn max. for 3600sec = 1h
# You can only create up to 10 perms. The perms can be overridden with "ab.COMMAND.dur.max"
1: 600
2: 3600
3: 43200
# With this active will show more information in the console, such as errors, if
# the plugin works correctly is not recommended to activate it since it is
# designed to find bugs.
Debug: false
# This is the amount of days that we should keep plugin logs in the plugins/AdvancedBan/logs folder.
# By default is set to 10 days.
Log Purge Days: 10
# Removes the prefix of the plugin in every message.
Disable Prefix: false
# Register commands in a more friendly manner
# Off by default, so AdvancedBan can override /ban from other plugins
# This is a Bukkit-specific option. It has no meaning on BungeeCord
Friendly Register Commands: false