General: Prefix: "&c&lAdvancedBan &8&l»" NoPerms: "&cYou don't have perms for that!" LayoutNotFound: "&cThere is no layout called %NAME%" # This will be the replacement for the %DURATION% variable TimeLayoutD: "%D%day(s) %H%h %M%min and %S%sec" TimeLayoutH: "%H%hour(s) %M%min and %S%sec" TimeLayoutM: "%M%min and %S%sec" TimeLayoutS: "%S% seconds" FailedFetch: "&cCould not fetch the UUID of %NAME%! See console for details." Ban: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/ban (-s) [Name] [Reason/@Layout]" Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully banned!" AlreadyDone: "&c&o%NAME% &7has already been banned!" Exempt: "&7You are not able to ban &c&o%NAME%" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &7Permanently banned' - '&7' - '&7' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" - '&7' - '&8Unban application in TS or forum' - "&eTS-Ip &8» &c&ncoming soon" - "&eForum &8» &c&ncoming soon" Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" UndoNotification: "&e&o%OPERATOR% &7unbanned &c&o%NAME%" Ipban: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/banip (-s) [Name/IP] [Reason/@Layout]" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &7Permanently banned' - '&7' - '&7' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" - '&7' - '&8Unban application in TS or forum' - "&eTS-Ip &8» &c&ncoming soon" - "&eForum &8» &c&ncoming soon" Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" IpNotCashed: "&cThere is no saved IP for %NAME%!" Tempban: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/tempban (-s) [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]" MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to ban more than %MAX%sec" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &7Temporarily banned' - '&7' - '&7' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" - "&cDuration &8» &7%DURATION%" - '&7' - '&8Unban application in TS or forum' - "&eTS-Ip &8» &c&ncoming soon" - "&eForum &8» &c&ncoming soon" Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" - "&7&oThis player got banned for &e&o%DURATION%" Tempipban: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/tempipban (-s) [Name/IP] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]" MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to ban more than %MAX%sec" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &7Temporarily banned' - '&7' - '&7' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" - "&cDuration &8» &7%DURATION%" - '&7' - '&8Unban application in TS or forum' - "&eTS-Ip &8» &c&ncoming soon" - "&eForum &8» &c&ncoming soon" Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" - "&7&oThis player got banned for &e&o%DURATION%" Mute: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/mute (-s) [Name] [Reason/@Layout]" Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully muted!" AlreadyDone: "&c&o%NAME% &7has already been muted!" Exempt: "&7You are not able to mute &c&o%NAME%" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &7You are permanently muted' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got muted by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" UndoNotification: "&e&o%OPERATOR% &7unmuted &c&o%NAME%" Tempmute: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/tempmute (-s) [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]" MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to mute more than %MAX%sec" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &7You are muted for %DURATION%' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got muted by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" - "&7&oThis player got muted for &e&o%DURATION%" Warn: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/warn (-s) [Name] [Reason/@Layout]" Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully warned!" Exempt: "&7You are not able to warn &c&o%NAME%" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &cYou received a warning' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" - '&7You have now &c&o%COUNT% &7warning(s) in total!' Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got warned by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" Note: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/note (-s) [Name] [Reason]" Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully noted!" Exempt: "&7You are not able to note &c&o%NAME%" Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got noted by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" Tempwarn: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/tempwarn (-s) [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]" MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to warn more than %MAX%sec" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &cYou received a temp-warning' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" - "&cIt will pass in &8» &7%DURATION%" - '&7You have now &c&o%COUNT% &7warning(s) in total!' Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got temp-warned by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" - "&7This warning will pass in &o%DURATION%" Kick: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/kick (-s) [Name] [Reason/@Layout]" Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully kicked!" NotOnline: "&c&o%NAME% &7is not online!" Exempt: "&7You are not able to kick &c&o%NAME%" Layout: - '%PREFIX% &7You got kicked' - '&7' - "&cReason &8» &7%REASON%" - '&7' Notification: - "&c&o%NAME% &7got kicked by &e&o%OPERATOR%" - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%" UnBan: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/unban [Name/IP]" NotPunished: "&c&o%NAME% is not banned!" Done: "&a&o%NAME% &7was successfully unbanned!" Notification: "&e&o%OPERATOR% &7unbanned &c&o%NAME%" UnMute: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/unmute [Name]" NotPunished: "&c&o%NAME% is not muted!" Done: "&a&o%NAME% &7was successfully unmuted!" Notification: "&e&o%OPERATOR% &7unmuted &c&o%NAME%" UnWarn: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/unwarn [ID] or /unwarn clear [Name]" NotFound: "&cCould not find warning #%ID%" Done: "&7Warn &a&o#%ID% &7was successfully deleted!" Notification: "&e&o%OPERATOR% &7unwarned &c&o%NAME%" Clear: Empty: "&c&o%NAME% &7has no warnings!" Done: "&7Cleared &a&o%COUNT% &7warnings" UnNote: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/unnote [ID] or /unnote clear [Name]" NotFound: "&cCould not find note #%ID%" Done: "&7Note &a&o#%ID% &7was successfully deleted!" Notification: "&e&o%OPERATOR% &7unnoted &c&o%NAME%" Clear: Empty: "&c&o%NAME% &7has no notes!" Done: "&7Cleared &a&o%COUNT% &7notes" UnPunish: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/unpunish [ID]" NotFound: "&cCould not find punishment #%ID%" Done: "&7Punishment &a&o#%ID% &7was successfully deleted!" Banlist: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/banlist " OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!" NoEntries: "&c&oThere are no entries" Header: - "%PREFIX% &7Banlist:" - "&c&oPlayer/IP &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oBanned by" - "&c&oType &8> &7&oReason" - "&7" Entry: - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]" - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%" - "&c%TYPE% &8> &7&o%REASON%" - "&7" Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Listed bans: &e&o%COUNT%" PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/banlist %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page" History: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/history [Name/IP] " OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!" NoEntries: "&c&oCould not find the history of %NAME% :(" Header: - "%PREFIX% &7History for %NAME%:" - "&c&oName &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oOperator" - "&c&oType &8> &7&oReason" - "&7" Entry: - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]" - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%" - "&c%TYPE% &8> &7&o%REASON%" - "&7" Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Total entries: &e&o%COUNT%" PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/history %NAME% %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page" Warns: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/warns [Name] &cor &7&o/warns " OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!" NoEntries: "&c&o%NAME% has no warnings yet" Header: - "%PREFIX% &7Warnings for %NAME%:" - "&c&oName &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oWarned by" - "&c&o#ID &8> &7&oReason" - "&7" Entry: - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]" - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%" - "&c&l#%ID% &8> &7&o%REASON%" - "&7" Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Active warnings: &e&o%COUNT%" PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/warns %NAME% %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page" WarnsOwn: OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!" NoEntries: "&c&oYou have no warnings yet" Header: - "%PREFIX% &7Your warnings:" - "&e&oDuration &8| &7&oWarned by" - "&c&o#ID &8> &7&oReason" - "&7" Entry: - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]" - "&e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%" - "&c&l#%ID% &8> &7&o%REASON%" - "&7" Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Active warnings: &e&o%COUNT%" PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/warns %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page" Notes: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/notes [Name] &cor &7&o/notes " OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!" NoEntries: "&c&o%NAME% has no notes yet" Header: - "&7" - "%PREFIX% &7Notes for %NAME%:" - "&7" Entry: - "&7%DATE% &8| &7By &o%OPERATOR% &7(&c#%ID%&7)" - "&8> &e%REASON%" - "&7" Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Notes: &e&o%COUNT%" PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/notes %NAME% %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page" NotesOwn: OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!" NoEntries: "&c&oYou have no notes yet" Header: - "&7" - "%PREFIX% &7Your notes:" - "&7" Entry: - "&7%DATE% &8| &7By &o%OPERATOR% &7(&c#%ID%&7)" - "&8> &e%REASON%" - "&7" Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Notes: &e&o%COUNT%" PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/notes %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page" ChangeReason: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/change-reason [ID or ban/mute USER] [New reason]" Done: "&7Punishment &a&o#%ID% &7has successfully been updated!" NotFound: "&cSorry we have not been able to find this punishment" Check: Usage: "&cUsage &8» &7&o/check [Name]" Header: "&7Checking &e&o%NAME% &8(%CACHED%&8)" UUID: "&cUUID &8» &7%UUID% &8(%CACHED%&8)" IP: "&cIP &8» &7%IP% &8(%CACHED%&8)" Geo: "&cCountry &8» &7%LOCATION%" Mute: "&cMuted &8» &7%DURATION%" MuteReason: " &cReason &8» &7%REASON%" Ban: "&cBanned &8» &7%DURATION%" BanReason: " &cReason &8» &7%REASON%" Warn: "&cWarns &8» &7%COUNT%" Note: "&cNotes &8» &7%COUNT%" NotFound: "&cSorry we have not been able to find %NAME%" Cached: "&a&ocached" NotCached: "&c&onot cached"