140 lines
4.3 KiB
140 lines
4.3 KiB
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel
from time import time
# Отключение логирования для уменьшения нагрузки
import logging
# Fix 3.3 + 0.15 = 3.4499999999999997
from decimal import Decimal as d
def fix_add(one, two):
return float(d(str(one)) + d(str(two)))
def fix_sub(one, two):
return float(d(str(one)) - d(str(two)))
from db import *
from call2api import *
app = FastAPI()
API_TOKEN = read('conf.json')['api_token']
def token_check(nick, token):
db = read('user_api.json')
id = user_in_db(API_TOKEN, nick=nick)
if id != 'false' and token == db['tokens'][id]:
return True
return False
# Анти-DDoS
# Случайные тексты
from faker import Faker
from random import choice, randint
FAKE_TEXTS = [Faker().text(max_nb_chars=100) for _ in range(100)]
# Проверка на частоту обращений
def too_fast(request):
ip = request.client.host
now = time()
if ip in LAST_REQUESTS and (now - LAST_REQUESTS[ip]) < 0.1:
return True
LAST_REQUESTS[ip] = time()
return False
class Check_token_user(BaseModel):
nick: str
token: str
def check_token_user(request: Request, it: Check_token_user):
if too_fast(request):
raise HTTPException(status_code=randint(100,999), detail=f"{choice(FAKE_TEXTS)}")
nick, token = it.nick, it.token
if token_check(nick, token):
return 'OK'
return 'Error'
class Check_bal_user(BaseModel):
nick: str
token: str
def check_bal_user(request: Request, it: Check_bal_user):
if too_fast(request):
raise HTTPException(status_code=randint(100,999), detail=f"{choice(FAKE_TEXTS)}")
nick, token = it.nick, it.token
if token_check(nick, token):
id = user_in_db(API_TOKEN, nick=nick)
return check_bal(API_TOKEN, id)
return 'Error'
class Coins_transfer_user(BaseModel):
nick: str
token: str
dst_nick: str
amount: str
def coins_transfer_user(request: Request, it: Coins_transfer_user):
if too_fast(request):
raise HTTPException(status_code=randint(100,999), detail=f"{choice(FAKE_TEXTS)}")
nick, token, dst_nick, amount = it.nick, it.token, it.dst_nick, str(float(it.amount))
if token_check(nick, token):
id = user_in_db(API_TOKEN, nick=nick)
dst_id = user_in_db(API_TOKEN, nick=dst_nick)
if dst_id == 'false':
return 'Error'
if coins_transfer(API_TOKEN, id, dst_id, amount) == 'OK':
tg_dst = get_tg(API_TOKEN, dst_id)
if tg_dst != 'null':
transfer_callback('', API_TOKEN, nick, dst_nick, amount)
return 'OK'
return 'Error'
class Get_time2cdm_user(BaseModel):
nick: str
token: str
def get_time_user(request: Request, it: Get_time2cdm_user):
if too_fast(request):
raise HTTPException(status_code=randint(100,999), detail=f"{choice(FAKE_TEXTS)}")
nick, token = it.nick, it.token
if token_check(nick, token):
id = user_in_db(API_TOKEN, nick=nick)
return get_time2cdm(API_TOKEN, id)
return 'Error'
class Get_stat_user(BaseModel):
nick: str
token: str
def get_stat_user(request: Request, it: Get_stat_user):
if too_fast(request):
raise HTTPException(status_code=randint(100,999), detail=f"{choice(FAKE_TEXTS)}")
nick, token = it.nick, it.token
if token_check(nick, token):
return get_stat(API_TOKEN)
return 'Error'
class Fp_generate_user(BaseModel):
nick: str
token: str
amount: str
chat_id: str
def fp_generate_user(request: Request, it: Fp_generate_user):
if too_fast(request):
raise HTTPException(status_code=randint(100,999), detail=f"{choice(FAKE_TEXTS)}")
nick, token, amount, chat_id = it.nick, it.token, it.amount, it.chat_id
if token_check(nick, token):
return fp_generate(token, nick, amount, chat_id)
return 'Error'
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, host='', port=7010)