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Author SHA1 Message Date
2fa9b57ce3 Начинаем переработку всего... 2024-04-01 19:37:33 +03:00
88571e318a up 2024-04-01 18:44:10 +03:00
13 changed files with 396 additions and 133 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
from db import * from db import *
from math import floor from math import floor
from icecream import ic
db = read_db() db = read_db()
# Составные # Составные
@ -18,7 +22,7 @@ def sround(num, parts):
good = False good = False
while not good: while not good:
num = floor(num) num = floor(num)
print(good, ' ', num) ic(good, ' ', num)
st = 1 ; good = True st = 1 ; good = True
# Перебираем различное количество частей # Перебираем различное количество частей
while st < parts: while st < parts:
@ -97,8 +101,14 @@ def calc(el, amount, main = False):
# Считаем 1 часть # Считаем 1 часть
part = sround(amount/parts, parts) part = sround(amount/parts, parts)
# Динамический объём
# Нужен когда у вещества вход 20 а выход 10
#part_vol =
# Перебираем составные и делаем рекурсию # Перебираем составные и делаем рекурсию
for i in comps: for i in comps:
if i[0] in db: if i[0] in db:
lpart = calc(i[0], part*i[1]) lpart = calc(i[0], part*i[1])
# Если наша часть больше чем составная # Если наша часть больше чем составная
@ -107,6 +117,7 @@ def calc(el, amount, main = False):
# lpart - количество составного в итоге # lpart - количество составного в итоге
# 50/3, часть = 16, ИТОГ: 16*3=48 < # 50/3, часть = 16, ИТОГ: 16*3=48 <
if heat and not main: if heat and not main:
recipe = [['heat']] + recipe recipe = [['heat']] + recipe
if heat and main: if heat and main:
@ -124,15 +135,14 @@ def calc(el, amount, main = False):
else: else:
recipe.append([i[0], part*i[1]]) recipe.append([i[0], part*i[1]])
# ЕСЛИ ЕСТЬ БАГИ ВЕРОЯТНО ЭТО ТУТ # Если нету плазмы и нагрева - соединяем вещества
# Если нету плазмы - соединяем вещества
if main: if main:
if ll_find(recipe, 'Плазма') == None and not heat: if ll_find(recipe, 'Плазма') == None and ll_find(recipe, 'heat') == None:
print('START: ', recipe) ic('START: ', recipe)
new_recipe = [] new_recipe = []
#for i in recipe:
while recipe != []: while recipe != []:
print("ORIG:", recipe) ic("ORIG:", recipe)
el = recipe[0] el = recipe[0]
new_recipe.append(el) new_recipe.append(el)
del recipe[0] del recipe[0]
@ -142,28 +152,33 @@ def calc(el, amount, main = False):
# Если есть ещё такой элемент # Если есть ещё такой элемент
while ll_find(recipe, el[0]): while ll_find(recipe, el[0]):
# Если это отметка для нагрева
if el[0] == 'heat':
same_id = ll_find(recipe, el[0]) same_id = ll_find(recipe, el[0])
print('OLD: ', new_recipe[id][1]) ic('OLD: ', new_recipe[id][1])
new_recipe[id][1] += recipe[same_id][1] new_recipe[id][1] += recipe[same_id][1]
print('NEW: ', new_recipe[id][1] + recipe[same_id][1]) ic('NEW: ', new_recipe[id][1] + recipe[same_id][1])
# Удаляем этот элемент # Удаляем этот элемент
#recipe.pop( same_id )
del recipe[same_id] del recipe[same_id]
print("NEW:", new_recipe) ic("NEW:", new_recipe)
recipe = new_recipe recipe = new_recipe
if main: if main:
print('PART: ', part) ic(part)
return [recipe, out*part] return [recipe, out*part]
else: else:
print(recipe) ic(recipe)
print(el) ic(el)
print('PART: ', part) ic('PART: ', part)
return part*parts # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Возможен баг <<<<<<<<<<<<
#return part*parts
# Возвращаем объём=часть*выход
return part*out
#print( calc("Лексорин", 100, True)) #print( calc("Лексорин", 100, True))
#print( calc("Бикаридин", 100, True)) #print( calc("Бикаридин", 100, True))
@ -172,3 +187,16 @@ def calc(el, amount, main = False):
#print( calc("Криоксадон", 100, True) ) #print( calc("Криоксадон", 100, True) )
#print( calc("Гидроксид", 100, True) ) #print( calc("Гидроксид", 100, True) )
#print( calc("Пунктураз", 100, True) ) #print( calc("Пунктураз", 100, True) )
#print( calc("Эпинефрин", 100, True) )
#print( calc("Гидроксид", 100, True) )
#print( calc("Ацетон", 50, True) )
#print( calc("Фенол", 50, True) )
#print(calc("Бензол", 50, True))
#OK print( calc("Гидроксид", 50, True) )
#print( calc("", 100, True) )
#print( calc("", 100, True) )
#print( calc("", 100, True) )

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="50px" height="50px"><path d="M 18.90625 7 C 18.90625 7 12.539063 7.4375 8.375 10.78125 C 8.355469 10.789063 8.332031 10.800781 8.3125 10.8125 C 7.589844 11.480469 7.046875 12.515625 6.375 14 C 5.703125 15.484375 4.992188 17.394531 4.34375 19.53125 C 3.050781 23.808594 2 29.058594 2 34 C 1.996094 34.175781 2.039063 34.347656 2.125 34.5 C 3.585938 37.066406 6.273438 38.617188 8.78125 39.59375 C 11.289063 40.570313 13.605469 40.960938 14.78125 41 C 15.113281 41.011719 15.429688 40.859375 15.625 40.59375 L 18.0625 37.21875 C 20.027344 37.683594 22.332031 38 25 38 C 27.667969 38 29.972656 37.683594 31.9375 37.21875 L 34.375 40.59375 C 34.570313 40.859375 34.886719 41.011719 35.21875 41 C 36.394531 40.960938 38.710938 40.570313 41.21875 39.59375 C 43.726563 38.617188 46.414063 37.066406 47.875 34.5 C 47.960938 34.347656 48.003906 34.175781 48 34 C 48 29.058594 46.949219 23.808594 45.65625 19.53125 C 45.007813 17.394531 44.296875 15.484375 43.625 14 C 42.953125 12.515625 42.410156 11.480469 41.6875 10.8125 C 41.667969 10.800781 41.644531 10.789063 41.625 10.78125 C 37.460938 7.4375 31.09375 7 31.09375 7 C 31.019531 6.992188 30.949219 6.992188 30.875 7 C 30.527344 7.046875 30.234375 7.273438 30.09375 7.59375 C 30.09375 7.59375 29.753906 8.339844 29.53125 9.40625 C 27.582031 9.09375 25.941406 9 25 9 C 24.058594 9 22.417969 9.09375 20.46875 9.40625 C 20.246094 8.339844 19.90625 7.59375 19.90625 7.59375 C 19.734375 7.203125 19.332031 6.964844 18.90625 7 Z M 18.28125 9.15625 C 18.355469 9.359375 18.40625 9.550781 18.46875 9.78125 C 16.214844 10.304688 13.746094 11.160156 11.4375 12.59375 C 11.074219 12.746094 10.835938 13.097656 10.824219 13.492188 C 10.816406 13.882813 11.039063 14.246094 11.390625 14.417969 C 11.746094 14.585938 12.167969 14.535156 12.46875 14.28125 C 17.101563 11.410156 22.996094 11 25 11 C 27.003906 11 32.898438 11.410156 37.53125 14.28125 C 37.832031 14.535156 38.253906 14.585938 38.609375 14.417969 C 38.960938 14.246094 39.183594 13.882813 39.175781 13.492188 C 39.164063 13.097656 38.925781 12.746094 38.5625 12.59375 C 36.253906 11.160156 33.785156 10.304688 31.53125 9.78125 C 31.59375 9.550781 31.644531 9.359375 31.71875 9.15625 C 32.859375 9.296875 37.292969 9.894531 40.3125 12.28125 C 40.507813 12.460938 41.1875 13.460938 41.8125 14.84375 C 42.4375 16.226563 43.09375 18.027344 43.71875 20.09375 C 44.9375 24.125 45.921875 29.097656 45.96875 33.65625 C 44.832031 35.496094 42.699219 36.863281 40.5 37.71875 C 38.5 38.496094 36.632813 38.84375 35.65625 38.9375 L 33.96875 36.65625 C 34.828125 36.378906 35.601563 36.078125 36.28125 35.78125 C 38.804688 34.671875 40.15625 33.5 40.15625 33.5 C 40.570313 33.128906 40.605469 32.492188 40.234375 32.078125 C 39.863281 31.664063 39.226563 31.628906 38.8125 32 C 38.8125 32 37.765625 32.957031 35.46875 33.96875 C 34.625 34.339844 33.601563 34.707031 32.4375 35.03125 C 32.167969 35 31.898438 35.078125 31.6875 35.25 C 29.824219 35.703125 27.609375 36 25 36 C 22.371094 36 20.152344 35.675781 18.28125 35.21875 C 18.070313 35.078125 17.8125 35.019531 17.5625 35.0625 C 16.394531 34.738281 15.378906 34.339844 14.53125 33.96875 C 12.234375 32.957031 11.1875 32 11.1875 32 C 10.960938 31.789063 10.648438 31.699219 10.34375 31.75 C 9.957031 31.808594 9.636719 32.085938 9.53125 32.464844 C 9.421875 32.839844 9.546875 33.246094 9.84375 33.5 C 9.84375 33.5 11.195313 34.671875 13.71875 35.78125 C 14.398438 36.078125 15.171875 36.378906 16.03125 36.65625 L 14.34375 38.9375 C 13.367188 38.84375 11.5 38.496094 9.5 37.71875 C 7.300781 36.863281 5.167969 35.496094 4.03125 33.65625 C 4.078125 29.097656 5.0625 24.125 6.28125 20.09375 C 6.90625 18.027344 7.5625 16.226563 8.1875 14.84375 C 8.8125 13.460938 9.492188 12.460938 9.6875 12.28125 C 12.707031 9.894531 17.140625 9.296875 18.28125 9.15625 Z M 18.5 21 C 15.949219 21 14 23.316406 14 26 C 14 28.683594 15.949219 31 18.5 31 C 21.050781 31 23 28.683594 23 26 C 23 23.316406 21.050781 21 18.5 21 Z M 31.5 21 C 28.949219 21 27 23.316406 27 26 C 27 28.683594 28.949219 31 31.5 31 C 34.050781 31 36 28.683594 36 26 C 36 23.316406 34.050781 21 31.5 21 Z M 18.5 23 C 19.816406 23 21 24.265625 21 26 C 21 27.734375 19.816406 29 18.5 29 C 17.183594 29 16 27.734375 16 26 C 16 24.265625 17.183594 23 18.5 23 Z M 31.5 23 C 32.816406 23 34 24.265625 34 26 C 34 27.734375 32.816406 29 31.5 29 C 30.183594 29 29 27.734375 29 26 C 29 24.265625 30.183594 23 31.5 23 Z"/></svg>


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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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reworked/assets/style.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="50px" height="50px"><path d="M 44.376953 5.9863281 C 43.889905 6.0076957 43.415817 6.1432497 42.988281 6.3144531 C 42.565113 6.4845113 40.128883 7.5243408 36.53125 9.0625 C 32.933617 10.600659 28.256963 12.603668 23.621094 14.589844 C 14.349356 18.562196 5.2382813 22.470703 5.2382812 22.470703 L 5.3046875 22.445312 C 5.3046875 22.445312 4.7547875 22.629122 4.1972656 23.017578 C 3.9185047 23.211806 3.6186028 23.462555 3.3730469 23.828125 C 3.127491 24.193695 2.9479735 24.711788 3.015625 25.259766 C 3.2532479 27.184511 5.2480469 27.730469 5.2480469 27.730469 L 5.2558594 27.734375 L 14.158203 30.78125 C 14.385177 31.538434 16.858319 39.792923 17.402344 41.541016 C 17.702797 42.507484 17.984013 43.064995 18.277344 43.445312 C 18.424133 43.635633 18.577962 43.782915 18.748047 43.890625 C 18.815627 43.933415 18.8867 43.965525 18.957031 43.994141 C 18.958531 43.994806 18.959437 43.99348 18.960938 43.994141 C 18.969579 43.997952 18.977708 43.998295 18.986328 44.001953 L 18.962891 43.996094 C 18.979231 44.002694 18.995359 44.013801 19.011719 44.019531 C 19.043456 44.030655 19.062905 44.030268 19.103516 44.039062 C 20.123059 44.395042 20.966797 43.734375 20.966797 43.734375 L 21.001953 43.707031 L 26.470703 38.634766 L 35.345703 45.554688 L 35.457031 45.605469 C 37.010484 46.295216 38.415349 45.910403 39.193359 45.277344 C 39.97137 44.644284 40.277344 43.828125 40.277344 43.828125 L 40.310547 43.742188 L 46.832031 9.7519531 C 46.998903 8.9915162 47.022612 8.334202 46.865234 7.7402344 C 46.707857 7.1462668 46.325492 6.6299361 45.845703 6.34375 C 45.365914 6.0575639 44.864001 5.9649605 44.376953 5.9863281 z M 44.429688 8.0195312 C 44.627491 8.0103707 44.774102 8.032983 44.820312 8.0605469 C 44.866523 8.0881109 44.887272 8.0844829 44.931641 8.2519531 C 44.976011 8.419423 45.000036 8.7721605 44.878906 9.3242188 L 44.875 9.3359375 L 38.390625 43.128906 C 38.375275 43.162926 38.240151 43.475531 37.931641 43.726562 C 37.616914 43.982653 37.266874 44.182554 36.337891 43.792969 L 26.632812 36.224609 L 26.359375 36.009766 L 26.353516 36.015625 L 23.451172 33.837891 L 39.761719 14.648438 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 38.974609 13 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 38.445312 13.167969 L 14.84375 28.902344 L 5.9277344 25.849609 C 5.9277344 25.849609 5.0423771 25.356927 5 25.013672 C 4.99765 24.994652 4.9871961 25.011869 5.0332031 24.943359 C 5.0792101 24.874869 5.1948546 24.759225 5.3398438 24.658203 C 5.6298218 24.456159 5.9609375 24.333984 5.9609375 24.333984 L 5.9941406 24.322266 L 6.0273438 24.308594 C 6.0273438 24.308594 15.138894 20.399882 24.410156 16.427734 C 29.045787 14.44166 33.721617 12.440122 37.318359 10.902344 C 40.914175 9.3649615 43.512419 8.2583658 43.732422 8.1699219 C 43.982886 8.0696253 44.231884 8.0286918 44.429688 8.0195312 z M 33.613281 18.792969 L 21.244141 33.345703 L 21.238281 33.351562 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 21.183594 33.423828 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 21.128906 33.507812 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 20.998047 33.892578 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 20.998047 33.900391 L 19.386719 41.146484 C 19.35993 41.068197 19.341173 41.039555 19.3125 40.947266 L 19.3125 40.945312 C 18.800713 39.30085 16.467362 31.5161 16.144531 30.439453 L 33.613281 18.792969 z M 22.640625 35.730469 L 24.863281 37.398438 L 21.597656 40.425781 L 22.640625 35.730469 z"/></svg>


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reworked/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import os
import json
if not os.path.exists('db.json'):
db = {}
js = json.dumps(db, indent=2)
with open("db.json", "w") as outfile:
print('Created new db.json')
def read_db(file = 'db.json'):
with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as openfile:
db = json.load(openfile)
return db
def write_db(db, file = 'db.json'):
js = json.dumps(db, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile:

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ els = list(db.keys())
from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output,callback from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output,callback
app = Dash(__name__, title="SS14 Tools", update_title=None) app = Dash(__name__, title="SS14 Tools", update_title=None)
app.index_string = ''' app.index_string = '''
@ -164,4 +163,4 @@ def update_output(reaction, amount):
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
# #, port = 9000)

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Reagent:
self.__category = init_data.get("category") self.__category = init_data.get("category")
# raw значения которые обработаны # raw значения которые обработаны
self.heat: bool = init_data.get("heat") self.__heat: bool = init_data.get("heat")
@property @property
def name(self): def name(self):
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ class Reagent:
print(self.__category) print(self.__category)
result.append(self.__category) result.append(self.__category)
# Добавляем нужен ли нагрев
if not self.__recipe: if not self.__recipe:
return None return None
for item in self.__recipe: for item in self.__recipe:
@ -171,7 +174,12 @@ def load_recipes(url,name):
# print(item["id"]) # print(item["id"])
if item["id"] not in content: if item["id"] not in content:
continue continue
content[item["id"]]["heat"] = "minTemp" in item if "minTemp" in item:
content[item["id"]]["heat"] = True
content[item["id"]]["heat"] = False
# if "minTemp" in item:
# print(item["minTemp"])
content[item["id"]]["reactants"] = { content[item["id"]]["reactants"] = {
element: {"amount": item["reactants"][element]["amount"], "reagent": element in content} for element in element: {"amount": item["reactants"][element]["amount"], "reagent": element in content} for element in
item["reactants"]} item["reactants"]}