#include #include #include #include #include #include "c_cross_pack/libs/threads.h" char comment[1000] = ""; char command[10000] = ""; // Out of command execution char out[1000][100]; int out_i = 0; bool runCommand(char* command) { FILE *fp; char path[1024]; int status; // Combine stdout and stderr using 2>&1 char fullCommand[1024]; snprintf(fullCommand, sizeof(fullCommand), "%s 2>&1", command); /* Open the command for reading. */ fp = popen(fullCommand, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed to run command\n"); return false; } /* Read the output a line at a time and store it in the out array */ while (fgets(path, sizeof(path), fp) != NULL) { strncpy(out[out_i], path, 100); out[out_i][99] = '\0'; // Ensure null termination out_i++; if (out_i >= 1000) { break; // Prevent overflow } } /* Close */ status = pclose(fp); /* Check the return status of the command */ if (WIFEXITED(status)) { int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status); if (exit_status != 0) { return false; // Command failed } } else { return false; // Command did not exit normally } return true; } void* loadAnim() { char anim[] = {'-', '\\', '|', '/'}; while (true) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(anim)/sizeof(anim[0]); i++) { printf("\r[\033[1;33m%c\033[1;0m] %s", anim[i], comment); fflush(stdout); usleep(100 * 1000); // 100 ms } } } void getOut() { for (int i = 0; i <= out_i; i++) { printf("%s", out[i]); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool isCommand = false; bool forceOut = false; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (isCommand == false) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "%o") == 0) { isCommand = true; forceOut = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "%") == 0) { isCommand = true; } else { strcat(comment, argv[i]); strcat(comment, " "); } } else { strcat(command, argv[i]); strcat(command, " "); } } void* thread_handle; start_thread(&thread_handle, loadAnim); if (runCommand(command)) { kill_thread(thread_handle); printf("\r[\033[1;32m🗸\033[1;0m] %s\n", comment); if (forceOut == true) { getOut(); } } else { kill_thread(thread_handle); printf("\r[\033[1;31m𐄂\033[1;0m] %s\n", comment); // Get out of failed command getOut(); return 1; } return 0; }