What: /sys/firmware/dmi/entries/ Date: February 2011 Contact: Mike Waychison <mikew@google.com> Description: Many machines' firmware (x86 and arm64) export DMI / SMBIOS tables to the operating system. Getting at this information is often valuable to userland, especially in cases where there are OEM extensions used. The kernel itself does not rely on the majority of the information in these tables being correct. It equally cannot ensure that the data as exported to userland is without error either. DMI is structured as a large table of entries, where each entry has a common header indicating the type and length of the entry, as well as a firmware-provided 'handle' that is supposed to be unique amongst all entries. Some entries are required by the specification, but many others are optional. In general though, users should never expect to find a specific entry type on their system unless they know for certain what their firmware is doing. Machine to machine experiences will vary. Multiple entries of the same type are allowed. In order to handle these duplicate entry types, each entry is assigned by the operating system an 'instance', which is derived from an entry type's ordinal position. That is to say, if there are 'N' multiple entries with the same type 'T' in the DMI tables (adjacent or spread apart, it doesn't matter), they will be represented in sysfs as entries "T-0" through "T-(N-1)": Example entry directories:: /sys/firmware/dmi/entries/17-0 /sys/firmware/dmi/entries/17-1 /sys/firmware/dmi/entries/17-2 /sys/firmware/dmi/entries/17-3 ... Instance numbers are used in lieu of the firmware assigned entry handles as the kernel itself makes no guarantees that handles as exported are unique, and there are likely firmware images that get this wrong in the wild. Each DMI entry in sysfs has the common header values exported as attributes: ======== ================================================= handle The 16bit 'handle' that is assigned to this entry by the firmware. This handle may be referred to by other entries. length The length of the entry, as presented in the entry itself. Note that this is _not the total count of bytes associated with the entry. This value represents the length of the "formatted" portion of the entry. This "formatted" region is sometimes followed by the "unformatted" region composed of nul terminated strings, with termination signalled by a two nul characters in series. raw The raw bytes of the entry. This includes the "formatted" portion of the entry, the "unformatted" strings portion of the entry, and the two terminating nul characters. type The type of the entry. This value is the same as found in the directory name. It indicates how the rest of the entry should be interpreted. instance The instance ordinal of the entry for the given type. This value is the same as found in the parent directory name. position The ordinal position (zero-based) of the entry within the entirety of the DMI entry table. ======== ================================================= **Entry Specialization** Some entry types may have other information available in sysfs. Not all types are specialized. **Type 15 - System Event Log** This entry allows the firmware to export a log of events the system has taken. This information is typically backed by nvram, but the implementation details are abstracted by this table. This entry's data is exported in the directory:: /sys/firmware/dmi/entries/15-0/system_event_log and has the following attributes (documented in the SMBIOS / DMI specification under "System Event Log (Type 15)": - area_length - header_start_offset - data_start_offset - access_method - status - change_token - access_method_address - header_format - per_log_type_descriptor_length - type_descriptors_supported_count As well, the kernel exports the binary attribute: ============= ==================================== raw_event_log The raw binary bits of the event log as described by the DMI entry. ============= ====================================