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374 lines
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR MIT */
/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */
#include <linux/bits.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/sizes.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h"
* Page size used for Parameter Management.
* Minimum/Maximum PB size.
* Base page size is dependent on core:
* S6/S6XT/S7 = 50 pages
* S8XE = 40 pages
* S8XE with BRN66011 fixed = 25 pages
* Minimum PB = Base Pages + (NUM_TE_PIPES-1)*16K + (NUM_VCE_PIPES-1)*64K +
* Maximum PB size must ensure that no PM address space can be fully used,
* because if the full address space was used it would wrap and corrupt itself.
* Since there are two freelists (local is always minimum sized) this can be
* described as following three conditions being met:
* (Minimum PB + Maximum PB) < ALIST PM address space size (16GB)
* (Minimum PB + Maximum PB) < TE PM address space size (16GB) / NUM_TE_PIPES
* (Minimum PB + Maximum PB) < VCE PM address space size (16GB) / NUM_VCE_PIPES
* Since the max of NUM_TE_PIPES and NUM_VCE_PIPES is 4, we have a hard limit
* of 4GB minus the Minimum PB. For convenience we take the smaller power-of-2
* value of 2GB. This is far more than any current applications use.
* Flags supported by the geometry DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom.
/* Use single core in a multi core setup. */
* Flags supported by the fragment DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag.
/* Use single core in a multi core setup. */
/* Indicates whether this render produces visibility results. */
/* Indicates whether a depth buffer is present. */
/* Indicates whether a stencil buffer is present. */
/* Disable pixel merging for this render. */
/* Indicates whether a scratch buffer is present. */
/* Disallow compute overlapped with this render. */
* Flags supported by the compute DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute.
/*!< Use single core in a multi core setup. */
* Flags supported by the transfer DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer.
/*!< Use single core in a multi core setup. */
* Parameter/HWRTData control structures.
* Configuration registers which need to be loaded by the firmware before a geometry
* job can be started.
struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs {
u64 vdm_ctrl_stream_base;
u64 tpu_border_colour_table;
/* Only used when feature VDM_DRAWINDIRECT present. */
u64 vdm_draw_indirect0;
/* Only used when feature VDM_DRAWINDIRECT present. */
u32 vdm_draw_indirect1;
u32 ppp_ctrl;
u32 te_psg;
/* Only used when BRN 49927 present. */
u32 tpu;
u32 vdm_context_resume_task0_size;
/* Only used when feature VDM_OBJECT_LEVEL_LLS present. */
u32 vdm_context_resume_task3_size;
/* Only used when BRN 56279 or BRN 67381 present. */
u32 pds_ctrl;
u32 view_idx;
/* Only used when feature TESSELLATION present */
u32 pds_coeff_free_prog;
u32 padding;
/* Only used when BRN 44455 or BRN 63027 present. */
struct rogue_fwif_dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs {
u64 te_psgregion_addr;
* Represents a geometry command that can be used to tile a whole scene's objects as
* per TA behavior.
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom {
* rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared field must always be at the beginning of the
* struct.
* The command struct (rogue_fwif_cmd_geom) is shared between Client and
* Firmware. Kernel is unable to perform read/write operations on the
* command struct, the SHARED region is the only exception from this rule.
* This region must be the first member so that Kernel can easily access it.
* For more info, see rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared definition.
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared cmd_shared;
struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs regs __aligned(8);
u32 flags __aligned(8);
* Holds the geometry/fragment fence value to allow the fragment partial render command
* to go through.
struct rogue_fwif_ufo partial_render_geom_frag_fence;
/* Only used when BRN 44455 or BRN 63027 present. */
struct rogue_fwif_dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs __aligned(8);
/* Only used when BRN 61484 or BRN 66333 present. */
u32 brn61484_66333_live_rt;
u32 padding;
* Configuration registers which need to be loaded by the firmware before ISP
* can be started.
struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs {
u32 usc_pixel_output_ctrl;
u32 isp_bgobjdepth;
u32 isp_bgobjvals;
u32 isp_aa;
/* Only used when feature S7_TOP_INFRASTRUCTURE present. */
u32 isp_xtp_pipe_enable;
u32 isp_ctl;
/* Only used when BRN 49927 present. */
u32 tpu;
u32 event_pixel_pds_info;
/* Only used when feature CLUSTER_GROUPING present. */
u32 pixel_phantom;
u32 view_idx;
u32 event_pixel_pds_data;
/* Only used when BRN 65101 present. */
u32 brn65101_event_pixel_pds_data;
/* Only used when feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT or BRN 47217 present. */
u32 isp_oclqry_stride;
/* Only used when feature ZLS_SUBTILE present. */
u32 isp_zls_pixels;
/* Only used when feature ISP_ZLS_D24_S8_PACKING_OGL_MODE present. */
u32 rgx_cr_blackpearl_fix;
/* All values below the ALIGN(8) must be 64 bit. */
aligned_u64 isp_scissor_base;
u64 isp_dbias_base;
u64 isp_oclqry_base;
u64 isp_zlsctl;
u64 isp_zload_store_base;
u64 isp_stencil_load_store_base;
* Only used when feature FBCDC_ALGORITHM present and value < 3 or feature
* FB_CDC_V4 present. Additionally, BRNs 48754, 60227, 72310 and 72311 must
* not be present.
u64 fb_cdc_zls;
u64 tpu_border_colour_table;
u64 pds_bgnd[3U];
/* Only used when BRN 65101 present. */
u64 pds_bgnd_brn65101[3U];
u64 pds_pr_bgnd[3U];
/* Only used when BRN 62850 or 62865 present. */
u64 isp_dummy_stencil_store_base;
/* Only used when BRN 66193 present. */
u64 isp_dummy_depth_store_base;
/* Only used when BRN 67182 present. */
u32 rgnhdr_single_rt_size;
/* Only used when BRN 67182 present. */
u32 rgnhdr_scratch_offset;
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag {
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared cmd_shared __aligned(8);
struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs regs __aligned(8);
/* command control flags. */
u32 flags;
/* Stride IN BYTES for Z-Buffer in case of RTAs. */
u32 zls_stride;
/* Stride IN BYTES for S-Buffer in case of RTAs. */
u32 sls_stride;
/* Only used if feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT present. */
u32 execute_count;
* Configuration registers which need to be loaded by the firmware before CDM
* can be started.
struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs {
u64 tpu_border_colour_table;
/* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */
u64 cdm_cb_queue;
/* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */
u64 cdm_cb_base;
/* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */
u64 cdm_cb;
/* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE is not present. */
u64 cdm_ctrl_stream_base;
u64 cdm_context_state_base_addr;
/* Only used when BRN 49927 is present. */
u32 tpu;
u32 cdm_resume_pds1;
/* Only used when feature COMPUTE_MORTON_CAPABLE present. */
u32 cdm_item;
/* Only used when feature CLUSTER_GROUPING present. */
u32 compute_cluster;
/* Only used when feature TPU_DM_GLOBAL_REGISTERS present. */
u32 tpu_tag_cdm_ctrl;
u32 padding;
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute {
/* Common command attributes */
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common common __aligned(8);
/* CDM registers */
struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs regs;
/* Control flags */
u32 flags __aligned(8);
/* Only used when feature UNIFIED_STORE_VIRTUAL_PARTITIONING present. */
u32 num_temp_regions;
/* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */
u32 stream_start_offset;
/* Only used when feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT present. */
u32 execute_count;
struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs {
* All 32 bit values should be added in the top section. This then requires only a
* single RGXFW_ALIGN to align all the 64 bit values in the second section.
u32 isp_bgobjvals;
u32 usc_pixel_output_ctrl;
u32 usc_clear_register0;
u32 usc_clear_register1;
u32 usc_clear_register2;
u32 usc_clear_register3;
u32 isp_mtile_size;
u32 isp_render_origin;
u32 isp_ctl;
/* Only used when feature S7_TOP_INFRASTRUCTURE present. */
u32 isp_xtp_pipe_enable;
u32 isp_aa;
u32 event_pixel_pds_info;
u32 event_pixel_pds_code;
u32 event_pixel_pds_data;
u32 isp_render;
u32 isp_rgn;
/* Only used when feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT present. */
u32 frag_screen;
/* All values below the aligned_u64 must be 64 bit. */
aligned_u64 pds_bgnd0_base;
u64 pds_bgnd1_base;
u64 pds_bgnd3_sizeinfo;
u64 isp_mtile_base;
u64 pbe_wordx_mrty[3U * ROGUE_PBE_WORDS_REQUIRED_FOR_TQS];
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer {
/* Common command attributes */
struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common common __aligned(8);
struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs regs __aligned(8);
u32 flags;
u32 padding;
#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_client_check.h"